Population (mio.): 215.3 (per 2022)
GDP per capita (US$/EUR): 8,917/8,196 (per 2022)
Healthcare expenditure % of GDP: 10.12% (per 2020)
Healthcare expenditure per capita (US$/EUR): 1,572/1,444 (per 2020)
Healthcare model and general information on healthcare system (financing, stakeholders, insurance): In Brazil, healthcare is funded through tax revenues. All residents and visitors can access free and comprehensive services, including primary, specialized and outpatient care.
The administration and delivery of care are the responsibility of municipalities and states. The Ministry of Health coordinates the healthcare system, including policy development, planning, financing, auditing, and control. State government duties include regional governance, coordination of strategic programs, and delivery of specialized services.
The municipalities are responsible for the management of primary care and prevention programmes, as well as financing and delivery of some secondary care services.
Given market dynamics, a supplementary private healthcare system was also developed in Brazil, covering approximately 25% of the population (50m people). People usually have access to services and innovation in this system through health insurance provided by employers and out of pocket payments.
Read more about the healthcare system in Brazil here.
Cooperation between Brazil and Denmark: Denmark and Brazil entered into a strategic health sector cooperation in 2016 with the objective of supporting efficient healthcare management in the two countries and aimed at ensuring better, faster and universal access to quality healthcare services.
More specifically, the cooperation partners share knowledge and experiences within two main areas: 1) to improve healthcare quality through better use of health data via peer-to-peer cooperation between health authorities in both countries and 2) to support efforts towards facilitating more efficient and transparent approval processes for pharmaceuticals and MedTech. When relevant, the cooperation also serves as a platform for synergies and enhanced engagement with the private health sectors of the two countries
The Danish-Brazil health cooperation is led by the Ministry of the Interior and Health of Denmark and the Danish embassy in Brasília in collaboration with the Danish Medicines Agency and the Danish Health Data Authority. In Brazil, the cooperation is led by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the Secretariat for Information and Digital Health (SEIDIGI) and the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA). The cooperation is financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC).
CEO, Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo
Mr Pereira has a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from FAAP, two MBAs from USP (University of São Paulo), and a PhD in Business Administration from FGV (Getulio Vargas Foundation). Mr Pereira is experienced in Civil and Clinical Engineering, having worked at Hospital A. C. Camargo, Pepsico Brazil and Philips Brazil, leading their engineering departments. Since 2015, Mr Pereira has served in the role of CEO of Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo, Latin America’s largest public high-complexity hospital with several medical specialities, clinical research and innovation centres.
Vice-president, EBSERH – Brazilian Hospital Services Enterprise
Mr. Daniel Gomes Monteiro Beltrammi is a Sanitary Doctor, PhD in Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo, Master in Technology Management and Innovation in Health from Sírio-Libanês Institute. He has a Medical Residency in Preventive and Social Medicine, with an emphasis on Hospital and Health Systems Administration, from the University of São Paulo. In addition, he specialises in hospital and health systems administration (Fundação Getúlio Vargas – EAESP-FGV).