Population (mio.): 1,412.1 (per 2022)
GDP per capita (US$/EUR): 12,720/11,691 (per 2022)
Healthcare expenditure % of GDP: 7.05% (per 2022)
Healthcare expenditure per capita (US$/EUR): 846/786 (per 2022)
Healthcare model and general information on healthcare system (financing, stakeholders, insurance): In China, the healthcare system is predominately publicly financed, providing broad access to medical services. Urban employees are required to enrollin an employment-based program, primarily funded through employer and employee payroll taxes. Other residents – rural residents, students, children, and the elderly who are not part of the employment-based system – can voluntarily enroll in an Urban-Rural Resident Basic Medical Insurance, which is mainly financed by central and local governments through individual premium subsidies.
Organizationally, China’s central government has overall responsibility for national health legislation, policy, and administration. It is guided by the principle that every citizen is entitled to receive basic healthcare services. Local governments — provinces, prefectures, cities, counties, and towns — are responsible for organizing and providing healthcare services for their populations.
Read more about the Chinese healthcare system here.
Cooperation between China and Denmark: Denmark and China entered into a strategic health sector cooperation in 2019 with the objective of supporting a more effective management of healthcare in China. The cooperation aims to support China’s efforts to ensure quality and capacity development in the primary sector and regulatory development and policy exchange in the field of medicines and medical devices through peer-to-peer cooperation between health authorities in both countries. The cooperation also serves as a platform for enhancing engagement of the Danish private sector in providing health sector solutions in the partner country.
The Danish-Sino health cooperation is led by the Ministry of the Interior and Health of Denmark and the Danish embassy in Beijing in collaboration with the Danish Medicines Agency, the Danish Health Authority and the Region of Southern Denmark. Chinese partners are: The National Health Commission of China, The National Medical Products Administration, the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, the Jiangsu Commission of Health, Peking University Sixth Hospital, Guangdong Institute of Mental Health, Nanjing Brain Hospital, the Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and Wuxi Mental Health Center. The cooperation is financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC).
Pricing Bidding and Purchasing Director, National Healthcare Security Administration
Mr. Zhaohui Dong is the Director of the Bidding and Procurement Division in the Department of Pricing and Bidding and Procurement of Drugs and Medical Services at the National Healthcare Security Administration (PRC). He specialises in optimising procurement processes and drug pricing strategies within China’s healthcare system. Zhaohui has extensive experience in public health and health insurance, having served in various key roles in Zhejiang Province and the Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Preventative Medicine from Zhejiang Medical University, a Master’s degree in Health Policy and Administration from Peking University, and a doctoral degree in Economics from the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Science.
Drug Policy and Essential Medicine Deputy Director, National Health Commission
Ms. Fang Tian is the Deputy Division Director at the Department of Drug Policy and Essential Medicine within the National Health Commission of China. With a focus on public health policy, she has contributed significantly to disease prevention, occupational health, and essential medicine management. Fang has held key positions in various national health departments, including the Department of Disease Prevention and Control at the former Ministry of Health. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Public Health from Peking University and a PhD in Public Health from Fudan University.
Vice Present, Shanghai Mental Health Center
Dr. Yuan Shen is the Vice President at Shanghai Mental Health Center and a Professor of Psychiatry at Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai. She specialises in geriatric psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and anxiety disorders. She has served as a research scholar at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and has been recognised with several awards for her contributions to mental health research. Yuan holds an M.D. from Shanghai Railway University and a PhD in Psychiatry from Tongji University.