
Population (mio.): 67.9 (per 2022)

GDP per capita (US$/EUR): 40,886/37,584 (per 2022)

Healthcare expenditure % of GDP: 12.10% (per 2022)

Healthcare expenditure per capita (US$/EUR): 6,629/6,093 (per 2022)

Healthcare model and general information on healthcare system (financing, stakeholders, insurance): The French health system provides quality care and the public health insurance system provides universal coverage to all residents. The healthcare system is funded primarily by payroll taxes (paid by employers and employees), a national income tax, and tax levies on certain industries and products. The organisation is based on a traditionally strong role for the state in a centralized system with regional responsibilities. The French government sets and implements government policy for public health and allocates budgeted expenditures to regional health agencies, which are responsible for planning and service delivery.

Read more about the healthcare system in France here.

Cooperation between France and Denmark: Denmark and France have established peer-to-peer cooperation at ministry and agency level within the health sector. On the basis of a Declaration of Intent, the cooperation contributes to solving global health challenges by sharing experiences, best practices and public-private solutions within three priority areas: implementing a resilient healthcare system, management of chronic diseases and a joint European work on digital health. The cooperation also serves as a platform for supporting well-functioning framework conditions for the Danish private sector in providing health sector solutions.

The Danish-French health cooperation is led by the Ministry for the Interior and Health of Denmark and the Royal Danish Embassy in Paris in collaboration with the Danish Medicines Agency, the Danish Health Data Authority, the Danish Health Authority and Statens Serum Institut. French partners are: The Ministry for Labour, Health and Solidarity, its Delegation for Digital Health and the French medicines authorities HAS and ANSM. The cooperation is financed under the Danish Strategy for Life Science.

Frank Bellivier

Ministerial Delegate Mental Health and Psychiatry, Ministry for Labour, Health and Solidarity

Mr. Bellivier holds a medical degree from the University of Paris. His current roles include Prof. of Adult Psychiatry at University Denis Diderot, Head of the Departments of Psychiatry and Addiction at the Saint-Louis, Lariboisière and F. Widal hospitals in Paris, as well as director of a research team on neuropsychopharmacology of bipolar disorders and addictions. In 2019, Mr. Bellivier was appointed Ministerial Delegate for Mental Health and Psychiatry in charge of the governmental roadmap for mental health.

Simon Vasseur-Bacle

Project Manager, Delegation Mental Health, Ministry for Labour, Health and Solidarity

Mr. Vasseur-Bacle is a clinical and systemic psychologist by training and works as Director of Programmes at the WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Mental Health (WHOCC, Lille). Since March 2020, Mr. Vasseur-Bacle has also served as Project Manager at the Ministerial Delegation for Mental Health and Psychiatry, in charge of the organisation and follow-up of the World Summit on Mental Health Rights “Mind Our Rights, Now!”. His expertise is related to the respect for rights in mental health.

Benoît Colinot

Director – Strategic Healthcare Projects, Business France

At Business France, Mr Colinot supports foreign healthcare companies in developing their footprint in France. With 20+ years of experience in business development and competitive intelligence in biotech, pharma, medtech, healthcare services and elderly care, Mr Colinot has assisted +550 French healthcare companies in developing their business in the US, China, and the UK. He is also the co-founder of the French Healthcare Alliance. Finally, Mr Colinot holds a Master of Engineering in life sciences and biochemistry.