Population (mio.): 127.5 (per 2022)
GDP per capita (US$/EUR): 11,496/10,568 (per 2022)
Healthcare expenditure % of GDP: 5.48% (per 2022)
Healthcare expenditure per capita (US$/EUR): 1,085 (per 2022)
Healthcare model and general information on healthcare system (financing, stakeholders, insurance): Mexico has three main types of service providers with varying financing mechanisms, each providing coverage for different segments of the population:
Cooperation between Mexico and Denmark: In 2016, Denmark and Mexico entered into a strategic health sector cooperation (SSC) with the objective of strengthening primary healthcare, including prevention and treatment, and improving access to effective and safe medicines in Mexico. The cooperation aims to support Mexico’s efforts to strengthen the primary healthcare sector in regards to diabetes, mental health, and maternal health and to strengthen regulatory processes relating to pharmaceuticals at national level through peer-to-peer cooperation between health authorities in both countries. The cooperation also serves as a platform for enhancing engagement of the Danish private sector in providing health sector solutions in the partner country.
The Danish-Mexican health cooperation is led by the Ministry of the Interior and Health of Denmark and Secretariate of Health (SALUD). The Danish embassy in Mexico supports the collaboration. The partners on the Danish side are: The Danish Health Authority, the Danish Medicines Agency, Center for Digital Psychiatry, and MedCom and on the Mexican side; Secretariate of Health (SALUD) and Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris). The cooperation is financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC).
Dir. of Epidemiological and Psychosocial Research, National Institute of Psychiatry (INPRFM)
With a doctorate in Social Psychology from UNAM, Dr. Shoshana Berenzon Gorn is part of the National System of Researchers and is currently a Level III researcher. She is Director of Epidemiological and Psychosocial Research at INPRFM and a tutor and lecturer at UNAM’s Faculties of Psychology and Medicine. Her research includes evaluating mental health services, the use of informal resources to address mental health issues, integrating mental health into primary care, and migration-related mental health issues.
Director of Education, National Institute of Medical Sciences & Nutrition
A UNAM graduate, Dr. José Alberto Ávila Funes is a specialist in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics from The National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition. He holds a Master’s of Science with a specialization in Geriatrics from the University of Sherbrooke and a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health from the University of Bordeaux. He is a professor of geriatrics at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and his research focuses on frailty and cognitive impairment in older adults.